Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A start...

When I read Chapter 1, I recognize that it asks us to react in a way that is not an easy thing, at least for me, to do. I like many, have faced challenges and situations that have caused me great pain and my first thought is most certainly not to give thanks to God. Even thinking about the last year that I have dealt with the pneumonia that I had and its' lingering aftermath, it hasn’t been too often that I have thanked God as I have been in the process of coughing up a lung.

But really, I should be thanking God for my illness. It made me recognize my limitations, helped me realize that I had stretched myself too thin, and caused me to rely more on others and particularly on Him than on my own abilities and strength. Cutting back has given me more time with my family and with others, all of which has truly blessed me.

I appreciate the way the chapter guides us regarding how we react to and interact with others. Verse 19 is one that I need to continually remind myself of as there are times that I do not listen enough, speak too fast and react too harshly. I worry that my girls will observe this in me and demonstrate this as well.

Well, here are some beginning thoughts. I will reflect and post more later...


1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts Bill. I can't say that I've always thanked God in my circumstances of illness, either. That is a tough one. Praying grace upon grace to be added to you.
